Friday, January 02, 2009

that a human is not automaticly supporting his country's politics
just because he is born into it's basic religion...
I am not the nationality of the country I live in
I am not the political actions of my country
I am not even the religion of the country I was once born into
I am an independent citizen with a conscience of my own
I am a human with my own beliefs
I can draw my own conclusions about any situation,
I refuse to support anyone
out of any political wievs
I have my own eyes
who will watch for my heart and mind
what is right and wrong
I wont ever think anything just because...
it is what others are thinking
I am not just black and white...
I am a complex being searching for complex solutions

:Angel ene

1 comment:

Maria said...

I am, too...

Very powerfull words, Engel min...