Friday, July 01, 2011

Monstrous bell toll.
I wake up and find somewhere to go.
That doesn't mean anything more than what is said, you know.
Heavy environmental clockworks strike one last time.
This is the theorem.
This is the rhyme.
Good bye.

It's high up in the air.
Tremendous love-affair.
I wanna be there.
The last breakthrough.

Long wires look like arms or traps for anyone to see.
And the composer strikes desperately on her knees.
Iron is built up in the air.
A gothic scenery.
This is the theorem.
This is the rhyme.
Good bye.

It's high up in the air.
Tremendous love-affair.
I wanna be there.
The last breakthrough.

Something invisible is sleeping in the sea gulls mouth.
What does it mean, what in the world does it amount to?

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