Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Life is Pain and Life is Love,
that's just how it is...
To manage and overcome the pitfalls and obstacles in life
is a way to grow and become stronger.

To become one with one self!

The drug related happiness is just a placebo,
used by the rich ones to keep the poor ones
in a constantly paralysed hibernation,
where they are incapable to realize
they are being fooled.

Drug use are a can of wasted life!

Güneş batıda dogmaz!
The sun does'nt rise in west!

:Angel ene

1 comment:

Angelsiiighs said...

:) Yes... Smile, and the world smiles back...

Remember, if something enoys you, it is because you let your self be enoyed by it...

So dont let anything rock your world...

Strange you are a little older then my daughter... :)
But I have never grounded my kids, I believe in talking about things instead of using punishment...
Punishment creates only bitterness..
Take care and skate on
;) Angelene